If you are interested in moorage with Cow Bay Marina please fill out our Moorage Request Form online. You may also contact the Marina Manager at (250) 622-2628, via VHF on Marine Channel: 66A, or via email at cowbaymarina@princerupert.ca

**Please note - if you are unable to submit your Moorage Request Form for any reason, please contact us via the information above.

Transient (Daily) Moorage - $1.90 per foot, per day (*vessels up to 80 ft)

Moorage is based on OVERALL length of boat (includes dinghy, bowsprit, etc.), or length of berth, whichever is the greater. The calculation for the length of a vessel shall be the vessel length including all appurtenances rounded to the nearest foot. Hourly mooring may be permitted at no cost, provided that such hourly mooring does not exceed two hours in any 24 hour period.

Moorage is non-transferrable or able to be sublet, even among groups. Deposit and processing fees are non-refundable.

For additional information please see the City of Prince Rupert's Cow Bay Marina Bylaw and the most recent Fee Bylaw on the City website. 

Vessel owners, guests and servants must conduct themselves in a manner that is not detrimental to the safety of the Marina or its guests or interfere with the quiet enjoyment of others. No advertising or soliciting is permitted on any vessel using the Marina's facilities without the written permission of the City and/or the Cow Bay Marina Manager. No person(s) are allowed to live aboard except as identified in Bylaw 3386, 2016.

Vessels entering Canada must clear Customs. Please note that Cow Bay Marina is not a designated site for CBSA clearance. Contact the Canadian Border Services Agency at 1-888-CANPASS (1-888-226-7277) to obtain clearance. If you have no phone on board, once docked the Master may leave the vessel to carry out this reporting procedure. Neither passengers nor goods may leave the vessel until it has been cleared into Canada. Links to the Canadian Border Services Agency and Canadian Coast Guard can be found on our Harbour Information page.